Children are VIPs at Bethany United Methodist Church. We love our kids and provide many opportunities to not only teach them about Jesus but help them serve others as He did.
Our Children’s Ministry serves pre-schoolers through 5th graders by providing Sunday school, Children’s Church, and other activities throughout the year.
Sunday Worship Activities
8:30 a.m.: Children’s Message
11:00 a.m.: Children’s Message and Children’s Church (children serve as acolytes at both services)
Sunday School
9:45 –10:45 a.m. Nursery, Pre-K, K-2, 3-5
Our Children’s Sunday School classes are comprised of two teachers and children in kindergarten thru 5th grade. Each Sunday the class has a Bible lesson, coinciding activities, a video and fun crafts. Seeing these children learn, enjoy fellowship with friends and taking steps in their walk with Christ is very special!
Our Children’s Sunday School class made peppermint tree ornaments and heard about the Legend of the Candy Cane.
Bible Buddies
Bible Study and activities for 3rd-5th graders, typically meets immediately following our 11:00 a.m. service. Dates TBA.
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Under the direction of Susannah Hogge, our children’s choir meets two Sundays a month (typically) for lunch and rehearsal immediately following our 11:00 a.m. service. Dates TBA.

Children’s Music Director Susannah Hogge says that practices are going along great for the Bethany UMC Annual Family Christmas Program. Please make plans to join us at the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service on Sunday, December 9, 2018 with our “Happy Birthday, Jesus Party” to follow!
Vacation Bible School
Five mornings of fun and Bible learning usually in June. Visit the Vacation Bible School page under the Ministries tab for more information.