1860 Hayes Rd. (PO Box 527) Gloucester Point, VA 23062
(804) 642-2110
Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Category: Children and Youth Ministries

Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to Gloucester Point

Director of Children’ and Youth Ministries

Bethany United Methodist Church is seeking a joyful and enthusiastic Christian to fill a part-time, salaried position (an average of 20 hours per week) as Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries.  Regular events include Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, and Church/Community activities to help children and youth grow as Disciples of Christ.  Please send your…
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Common Thread is Bethany UMC’s new intergenerational gathering that encompasses all age groups. Our purpose is to actively promote interaction and interdependence across all ages as we work to build a Jesus community and be the church in Gloucester County, VA. Click Read More for details.